Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Glickman Family Genealogy

I'm breaking my family genealogy first into my father's and then my mother's sections as you can see below.  The first starts with grandmother Bella Schwartz's Romanian family since I know nothing of grandfather Julius Glickman's Russian side. However, I do have some anecdotal information and have traced his movement from Romania to England and in the US.  I will eventually provide a link to that.

To the best of my knowledge:

Bella was the eldest of five daughters of Zalman and Pessa Schwartz of Jassy (Iasi) Romania.  She, Goldie, and Rebecca migrated to the US from approximately 1900 to 1920, eventually settling in Rochester, NY, New York City, and Providence, RI, respectively. Sofia and Eva stayed in Romania.
I was told their was a brother Nathan who emigrated to Montreal and changed his name to Norman. He was married. There is a listing in the (1911?) Canadian census.

The photos below start with what I believe are Zalman and Pessa's parents and proceed to their five daughters.  Links will then take us to each of their families.  Six generations are represented.

Perhaps someone can correct and anecdote the scant information I am presenting.  This can be done via (anonymous) comment, or by contacting me directly (both preferably).

Above photo at a party showing Zalman and Pessa's parents (my great-great grandparents). The Romanian annotation is from the back of the photo.

G Ethel, and I'm not sure of the relationship

G Laya, not sure of the relationship

Now, two of my great-grandparents, father's side


Their five daughters...

Grandmother Bella Schwartz Glickman.  Arrived in the US in April 1910 from London on the SS St Louis with Millie (b Jan 1900, Jassy, Romania), Leah (b Nov?1904, London), Israel/Isadore (b Nov 1905, London), Mary (b Nov 1907 London).  Went to Rochester where Julius was living, having arrived in the US in February 1907.
Click to see family documents - census, manifests, and other documents.
Click to see Julius, Bella, and family chronology extracted from the Rochester City Directory, censuses, manifests, and other sources.
Click to see Bella and Julius's children and their families - Millie, Leah, Isadore, Mary, Edith, Joe.

The first of the sisters to arrive in the US, 1902. This New Year card with US flags was done for 1902.  Husband-to-be Joseph came in 1901.  Was living in Rochester in 1910 with Joseph, three children, and two boarders (one was grandfather Julius Glickman). Moved to New York City later.

Click to see Gussie and Joseph's family.

Eva Schwartz and husband.  Stayed in Romania.
Sofia Schwartz Spiegler.  Stayed in Romania.
Rebecca Schwartz Limer (b 1895, Romania) arrived in the US in 1920.  Settled in Providence, RI.
Click to see family, ship's manifest, etc.

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